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Curing of Concrete

Curing of Concrete 

Curing: Curing of concrete is a process by which fresh wet concrete is allowed to complete its reaction to attained its desire strength. By this method concrete is protected against loss of moisture required for hydration and kept within the recommended temperature range.

Necessity of Curing of Concrete:

1) To enhance hydration of concrete to achieve desire strength.
2) Well cured concrete has minimum thermal, plastic and drying shrinkage crack which make concrete more water, tight results durable concrete.
3) Inadequate curing results weak and dusty surface of concrete, results a poor abrasion resistance.

Method of Curing of concrete:

Methods of curing of concrete are:

1) Ponding Method
2) Spraying of Water
3) Shading Concrete Work.
4) Covering Concreting Work
5) Stream Curing
6) Membrane Curing

Ponding Method: This is the best method of curing and suitable for horizontal surfacing work like floor, roof, pavement etc. In this method , concrete is covered with hessian cloth or plastic for first 24 hours. After that removed the covering material and concrete surfaces are divided with segments(ponds) by clay, mortar or other suitable materials and the segments (ponds) are filled with water. The filling of water in these pond are done twice or thrice a day depending on the atmospheric condition.

curing of concrete slab
Figure: Curing of concrete by Ponding Method.

Spraying of Water: Spraying of water continuously on the concrete surface is an effective method of curing of concrete. The concrete should be allowed to set sufficiently before starting spraying of water on it. Curing of vertical members (i.e. column, wall etc) as well as horizontal surface cured by this method. This method demands high quantity of water.

curing of concrete slab
Figure: Curing by Spraying of Water.

Shading Concrete Work:
This method is adopted to prevent the evaporation of water from the surface even before setting of concrete. This method is suitable for large concrete surface such as roof, road pavement etc. This is essential in dry weather to protect the concrete work from heat, direct sun ray and wind. It also protect  from rain. In cold weather shading helps to preserve the heat of hydration of cement thereby preventing freezing of concrete. This method has a limited application only. 

curing of concrete slab
Figure: Curing by shading the concrete work.

Covering Concreting Work: This is widely used method of curing, specially for structural concrete and hessian cloth, canvas or empty cement bag are used as covering material. After covering the surface, it is wetted periodically depending upon the rate of evaporation of water. 

curing of concrete slab
Figure: Curing by covering concreting work.

Stream Curing:  Stream curing accelerate the rate of strength gaining of concrete by supplying heat and additional moisture in it. So curing time reduced remarkably. This method can best be used in pre-cast work.

 a) Rapid hardening of concrete.
 b) Quality can be assured in    controlled environment.
 c) Better in cold weather

 a) Initial setup cost is high.
 b) Curing work for large surface is complicated.

curing of concrete slab
Figure: Stream Curing.

Membrane Curing: A method of curing where a liquid formed membrane sprayed over the freshly placed concrete's exposed surface shortly after the concreting work is finished. These membrane's makes the concrete surface impervious and thus hold the mixing water in the concrete body so that it can hydrate the cement over a period of time. This method of curing does not need constant supervision and suitable for areas where water is not easily available.

curing of concrete slab
Figure: Curing by Membrane.


1) What is the minimum time for curing of concrete?

Answer: Curing period of concrete depends on types of cement used,types of construction, designed strength, ambient temperature,curing regime etc.As per ACI code at temperature higher than 5 ℃ the curing period is 7 days or  until the concrete strength reaches at 70% of its specified compressive or flexural strength.

What is Curing of concrete?? 
Answer: Curing of concrete is a process by which fresh wet concrete is allowed to complete its reaction to attained its desire strength. 

Curing of concrete methods

Define curing of concrete. 

Importance of Softening point of bitumen

Softening Point of Bitumen: The softening point of bitumen is a temperature at which the bitumen attains particular degree of softening. It is a temperature at which the bitumen sample can no longer support the weight of a 3.50 gm steel ball.

Significant of Softening point test: Bitumen is widely used in road construction work. So it is important to know if it can withstand hot weather especially in tropical countries. This test is related with suitability of bitumen as a road construction material in a particular climate. Normally bitumen starts flowing at its softening point, so if the softening point of a particular bitumen is exceed by the atmospheric temperature in a particular climatic condition, then the bitumen will be unsuitable for road construction work at that particular climate.